You are invited to Galerie XV for the launch of the photo book
“Mes garçons de café” by Thiery Beyne
FROM 6.30 PM
“To these women and men… the vast majority of whom are the affable ambassadors of their masons. Without them Paris would not be Paris.”
Thiery Beyne, photographer

We met photographer Thiery Beyne in the Grand Palais Ephemere, during Art Capital, where he is presenting one of his famous Parisian waiters, under François Fasnibay’s curation. His black and white work is imbued by his former advertising art director knowhow, a career he mastered in Paris while developing a passion for photography.
This emblematic Parisian work is a homecoming. When he left the world of communication to finaly devote himself solely to travel and photography, in 1995, he left for a discovery trip to Asia. Since then, he has travelled through India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Singapore and of course Vietnam, his favourite.
For almost 25 years now, he has been criss-crossing this magnificent country and photographing it from north to south in its most remote corners. Married to a Vietnamese woman from Hué, Thiery and his wife Giang are part of French NGOs that have allowed them to get closer to the Vietnamese daily life and its authenticity.
They have lived in Vietnam for 7 years, working as photographers, photo guides, and creators of a photo gallery.
Thiery Beyne has had many photo exhibitions in Vietnam.
Back to Paris 5 years ago, he is working on a personal subject that he entitled “My coffee boys”, a subject that he wants to be both documentary and artistic.Thiery Beyne joined the Hans Lucas photo agency.

For 4 years I have been travelling through the Parisian cafés in search of our “authentic” waiters, those still and always dressed in their traditional aprons, their white shirts, their limonadiers carried with pride in the pocket of their black waistcoats. Not to be noticed is the concept and the main idea of my photographic work, to take a snapshot, to capture the gestures, the dexterity, the skill with which they work, always in a vertigo of speed, while we, the customers, are quietly sitting sipping our little black. These men and women are, for the most part, the affable ambassadors of their houses, taking care of the hospitality of the establishment, playing with verbal expressions that belong only to them. Without them, Paris would not be Paris, so tip your hat!
Thiery Beyne
Galerie xv – – 06 81 81 21 73
Thiery – 06 26 10 22 92