G.Wen: Hey Tomer! Can you talk about D Fine Us?
D-Fine Us: D Fine Us is my baby musical project that pulls references from Delta blues, soul, and R&B. My vision is to blend sounds from the past with fresh modern textures and arrangements to create something new.
G.Wen: Hey Tomer! Can you talk about D Fine Us?
D-Fine Us: D Fine Us is my baby musical project that pulls references from Delta blues, soul, and R&B. My vision is to blend sounds from the past with fresh modern textures and arrangements to create something new.
G.Wen: What was the inspiration for the song “Safe to Disconnect”?
D-Fine Us: It’s actually kind of funny, but the inspiration for writing the song was ejecting a USB stick. My computer notified me that it was “Safe to disconnect device,” so I gave it my own interpretation
G.Wen: With the song “Post-Truth Era Blues,” we find a blend of folk blues and electronic atmosphere. Can you talk about it?
D-Fine Us: This song was my first experiment with making an electronic production for a traditional heavy blues song. The idea was to write a blues song from the point of view of a man entering a “post-truth era” world and trying to make sense of it.
G.Wen: You explore different cultures. How do you translate this sound experimentation?
D-Fine Us: I try to create a gentle balance between the live components and electronic ones.
G.Wen: Are you redefining the words “rhythm” and “blues”? How are they?
D-Fine Us: I don’t know about redefining. I just do my best to make stuff that sounds fresh to me.
G.Wen: You are a songwriter, producer, and how do you define yourself artistically?
D-Fine Us: I guess I’m a musician and creator.
G.Wen: You use modern electronic sounds that you mix with a more ancestral sound. Would you be a post-modern shaman?
D-Fine Us: That actually could be a really good stage name!
G.Wen: What is your philosophical vision of your sound environment?
D-Fine Us: I try to take myself out of my comfort zone in the studio and hope for beautiful things to happen.
G.Wen: What is your favorite playlist?
D-Fine Us: Here’s a link to my current favorite playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5HB0tnuFjZX1aTajMxvcSb?si=e25078bbd5774cbd&nd=1
G.Wen: What is your favorite song?
D-Fine Us: At the moment, my favorite song is “Boku Wa Chotto” by Haroumi Hosono.
G.Wen: What’s your news?
D-Fine Us: Today at “Le Castel,” come listen to the news!