photography Thomas Braut
Make Up Artist & Beauty Editor
Make-up artist for over 2 decades she started her career with TV and cinema. It is there her eye educated itself in lights, which was very useful later for the show business, arts and culture, beauty and fashion. Two of her major inspirations are Estee Lauder and mademoiselle Coco Chanel.
Fashion goes out of style, the style, never
“The feminine coquetry is part of our human path since time’s dawn, trades and know-how have emerged over the ages. I have always nurtured a passion for anthropology, costume and art history, and the three are inseparable form my point of view. I can say I am proud of mastering an ancestral knowhow. It is o this bases that I make my creations. May them be pure beauty or fantastic creation. Art was a permanent quest of my studies, then cosmetics, beauty and fashion entered my life, and I have devoted myself to this universe for several years now.
Mastering this know-how, in colours and textures, takes time and application. Techniques differ depending on whether you are working on a fashion show or a photographic session, a theatre play, or a movie set. Hence the importance of transmission so you end up forgetting the technique and simply do as art, by being fair and authentic. A perfect anatomical knowledge of the face curves and morphologies are as well essential. Bottom line, it is of most importance to find a perfect balance between natural beauty and creativity, all depends on the subject.”

photography Thomas Braut